about us

Aliquam id nunc id orci placerat varius. Nunc orci nunc, ultricies eu lectus sit amet, dignissim sollicitudin odio. Donec quis ligula at purus bland aliquam. Vestibulum sodales tellus vel massa finibus malesuada. Cras tincidunt odio eget nisi accumsan, in hendrerit sapien vehicula. Aenean vulputate felis purus, eget venenatis leo ornare at. Nulla aliquet vehicula efficitur. Morbi egestas erat a purus sodales viverra ac eu diam. Quisqu tempor condimentum lorem, id aliquet massa ultrices et. Suspendisse laoreet ante facilisis mauris ornare sollicitudin.


our mission

Aliquam id nunc id orci placerat varius. Nunc orci nunc, ultricies eu lectus sit amet, dignissim sollicitudin odio. Donec quis ligula at purus blandit aliquam. Nulla gravida eget neque sed accumsan. Nullam quis justo tortor. Mauris vulput ate diam nec purus scelerisque hendrerit a at ex. Pellentesque dapibus vestibu lum nulla, id congue magna mattis non. Mauris ut tellus in urna viverra rhoncus.


our skills

Graphic Design 85%
Photography 80%
Web Developer 80%
Branding Design 85%


happy clients


project done


cups of tea


win awaeds


Basil Athanasiadis’ work is original in terms of research and creative work which is on an area of study that has been neglected. The compositions are of a high technical level of accomplishment and are of an unusual and absorbing nature, revealing a true understanding of Japanese culture and a deeply-felt response to their traditions […]

In Basil’s works, melodies or harmonies often feel improvised however, if the performer misses even a single note, the listener can immediately tell the difference.

‘Air Still’ by Basil Athanasiadis is a beautiful, atmospheric composition. A solemn approach of great poetry …

In the creatively faultless CD “Clouds that I Like”, all five works included, feature elements of asymmetry, non‐teleological thematic relation, fragmentation, flexible space and use of noise, unveiling unbelievably rich, astounding almost otherworldly timbres.